Monday, January 18, 2016

World's Biggest Problems

1.       Climate Change

Current climate conditions are very different than they use to be. For example, temperatures and water levels are higher than normal. This is from increase of carbon in the environment from automobiles and other carbon producing machinery. Solutions: Producing less CO2 in the air by cutting down the use of such things and creating new ways to create energy.

2.       Water Use

Currently there is still 11 percent of the total world population that don’t have access to clean water. Solution: Creating a device that is affordable, that cleans and allows access to water for the areas that cannot reach it easily.

3.       War

Currently there is a lot of fighting between countries such as in Syria. This is causing huge problems all around the world. Economies are crashing, refuges have no safe place and more conflicts are being created. Solution: Get a better understanding of the difference in the world so that conflict doesn’t arise.

4.       Increase of Population

The current population is increasing substantially causing more resources to be used. In the future, sustainability will be very difficult to maintain. Solution: Educate the current world population about this problem.

5.       Disease Epidemic

New diseases that don’t have cures have been seen around the world such as Ebola. The problem is the sanitation of the world around us. Solution: Educate the population on ways to ensure that the spread of disease doesn’t happen.

6.       Poverty

12 percent of the world lives in poverty. This causes hunger, mortality, child labor and many other problems. Solution: Educating the population about this problem and ways to fix it by creating more sustainable ways of living.

7.       Global Governance

The current wars going on are creating more tension with global governance. More and more connections are becoming less peaceful. Solution: Understanding the differences with religion and culture and creating a balance between countries in how they relate.

8.       Nuclear weapons

Different world leaders are becoming threatened by different countries. This is causing them to believe that by creating nuclear weapons that can wipe out their enemies is the only way to create a safe country for their people. Solution: Creating rules and agreements that such a thing will not happen.  

9.       Animal Extinction

As the climate is changing, so is the environment around us. Because of the changing environment, more animals are on the verge of extinction. Solution: This goes back to reducing the carbon output in the world.

10.   Foreign Aid

The distribution of foreign aid that is given is uneven. Solution: Set strict regulations for countries to have a set amount of aid that they have to give each year.  


  1. Hi Courtney!
    You came up with some really good issues for the worlds 10 biggest problems. I had some very similar ideas such as overpopulation, poverty, climate change, and nuclear weapons. I think these are some major issues people need to pay attention too. I didn't think of animal extinction, but I thought that was a very good point!

    You can check out my list here -

  2. I totally agree with you that our water use, nuclear weapon use, and climate change and animal extinction are some of the most pressing issues that we face today. I find it very interesting how we don't really have similarities on our lists other than those four. Reading your post opened my eyes to how although I don't directly feel the pressures of poverty and foreign aid, they are very real issues in America.

    Check out my post to see what else I think is a huge problem that the world faces!
