Friday, January 8, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

In high school I created a club, Colors for CASA, that raised money and awareness for the local women’s shelter. It started out with just a couple of friends and later grew into one of the biggest clubs on campus. To raise money; I tie-dyed t-shirts that had the club logo on them and sold them at sporting events, lunch, and different grocery stores. As the club continued to grow we realized that only certain color combinations were selling so we started to adjust orders to improve profits. In the end we raised over 3,000 dollars in the two years that I was in charge of the club. After I graduated, I left the club with younger students and now they host golf tournaments, 5-K’s, and sell a variety of tie-dyed accessories.


  1. Hi Courtney! I found your entrepreneurship story really inspirational and powerful. It just goes to show that all it truly takes to make an impact in the world is a few people with some passion, drive, and focus. I also loved how you were able to realize that some of the color combinations of shirts weren't bringing much to the table so you listened to the market and quickly adjusted in order to serve the wants of the consumers. Finally, I think it's awesome how you left the organization in the hands of people who are equally ambitious and driven to make an impact. Great story and I hope to hear more about its growth and impact!

    1. Also, here is a link to my entrepreneurship story in case you're interested:

  2. Hi Courtney, I think it's really impressive what you did with Colors for CASA! I've never had the patience nor the grit to start that small by simply selling shirts and working up to bigger profits like that, that's really impressive! Best of luck with your future endeavors I'm sure you'll only get better from here!

    Also, here's the link to my own story.

    Our stories are not that similar, but I do like how you went out and did it for yourself. You got behind something you believed in and I admire that a lot!
