Friday, January 22, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities

Identifying Local Opportunities

1.       Asheville downtown group: Improve parking, cleanliness, walkability


In this article, the city officials of Downtown Asheville have decided that even though the conditions are “okay” they could be significantly better. The plan is to meet later this week and find out ways to improve the conditions. The problem in this article is that the city is becoming more and popular which brings in a lot of tourist; however, there isn’t enough parking, cleanliness is lacking and walkability is low. The people visiting downtown have the problem because they cannot park their cars, walk to different locations and feel clean.


2.       Weather-related event, business cancellations


In this article it goes over the business closing due to the snow storm. The problem is that the snow storm in Asheville is causing multiple important business, such as family medicine offices, to be closed for the next couple of days. The business owners and the customers who need this business are the ones with the problem. The business owners are losing income and the customers are not able to get to what they need.


3.       Possible Haywood school closing renews budget debate


Haywood county school officials are discussing whether or not they should close an elementary school due to a recent budget shortfall. The problem is that the school district is currently having a budget shortfall which is forcing them to close down an elementary school that they cannot afford to run. This effects the whole district as the students and staff will have to find new schools to either work at or learn at.


4.       Heavy snow hits mountains, with more to come

The Asheville area is currently receiving ten inches of snow which is bringing a lot of problems to the area. Currently Interstate 40 and other smaller roads are closed. The snow has caused multiply car accidents and power outages. This is a problem for everyone living in the area.

5.       Center for homeless to expand, serve more needs


The article begins with the story of a young mom with nowhere to go other than the homeless shelter in downtown. The homeless shelter use to be over populated and not much of a help. However, it has recently been undergoing renovations and coming up with new ways to help the homeless. The homeless people are the one with the problem because without this shelter they have nowhere to live or eat.


  1. Asheville definitely shares the same view toward their parking as most residents of Gainesville feel towards ours. It's good that they are wanting to expand parking with a 650 space parking garage. I'm wondering if they could possibly build an underground garage as well, or if their regulations would restrict them.

  2. The local issues presented in Asheville are definitely serious but I feel that there can be steps taken to address the issues as stated in some of the articles you referred to. For example, with the increase in tourism, the city of Asheville should be paying serious attention to parking and sanitation. I have personally visited the city and while I thought it was beautiful, the streets can definitely be hard to get through and can be dirty at times.

  3. Check out the link to my post too!
