Sunday, January 31, 2016

Interviewing Customers No. 1

Interviewing Customers No. 1

The opportunity that I came up with is: an app that allows people to sell or rent their home/apartment/dorm décor. I am currently trying to sublease my apartment for the summer and then intend to move into a different room. However, I don’t want to keep any of my room décor and the Facebook groups and other sites that allow me to sell my stuff are too clustered with other things to make it easy to sell my things fast. Another problem with other websites are that I have to ship the things to really far places and packing this stuff could be really tedious.

The people who I believe will have this unmet need are students that attend college that move from dorms to apartments or vice versa. For example, the décor that you decorate your dorm might be really cute but it is very unlikely that you will ever have a twin bed or a need for a mini fridge ever again (fingers crossed).

Questions for “customers”:

1.       Where do you currently live?

2.       Where do you plan to live next year?

3.       If you are moving to a new place, what do you plan to do with your old stuff?

4.       How do you plan on decorating your new place?

5.       What do you think about an app that lets you rent, buy and sell décor within the University of Florida?


By interviewing people I learned that my idea needs to be more specific so that it doesn’t seem like other opportunities. The interviews also taught me that I am extremely awkward when it comes to asking strangers questions.


  1. Hi Courtney! I thought your idea was great! I am having this problem as well so it was really interesting to see how you interpreted these ideas. Your interviews were very good! You said you were awkward, but I disagree! You're so right about the Facebook groups and other things being awkward so I thought this idea was fantastic! I can't wait to see where you go with this. If you want to see my interviews, they can be found here:

  2. HI I know there is a video missing I am having problems with the youtube channel I uploaded them on. I am trying to fix it now.

  3. Hello Courtney,

    I enjoyed watching your interviews. I think you have a very good idea. This app would definitely be beneficial to local residents in the Gainesville area. I actually know of an app that was just launched called Qwerk. This app is similar to your idea. You should check it out. Your actual interview though did not seem awkward. Great job!

    Please check out my post at:
