Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bug List

Bug List:

1.       Starbucks line is too long in Library West during the morning. Why? Only a few workers making drinks and the environment is too small causing it to be loud and for the orders to mess up.

2.       Wine bottle cork going in the bottle. Why? There is nothing stopping the cork from falling to the bottom.

3.       Starbucks often run out of supplies. Why? They don’t know which products are going to be more popular at different times.

4.       Uber never know where exactly to pick up. Why? There is no comment box to allow the person to describe where exactly they want to be picked up at.

5.       Uber drivers don’t know how to communicate. Why? There is no training on how to read a person and see if they want to talk or not.

6.       Greyhound bus station doesn’t have printers to print your ticket out. Why? Cost money to print there when they can do it at home.

7.       Parking at UF. Why? They sell more spots then they have.

8.       Twist off caps have spikes that hurt your hands. Why? That’s how they seal the bottle.

9.       Apartment staff takes too long at UH to fix appliances. Why? They are understaffed.

10.   Medical Gauze sticks to the wound. Why? Needs to be sticky enough to stay on the hand.

11.   Doctors at Shands are hard to reach. Why? Staff is undertrained how to come in to contact with other staff in the hospital.

12.   DMV everywhere is always packed. Why? There are no appointments.

13.   Packaging for small items is extremely hard to open. Why? They seal the products so they don’t move but allows no space to open it.

14.   Chipotle on University is always packed around dinner. Why? It is the only chipotle within walking distance.

15.   Dunkin Donuts on University and in Target Copy are packed during happy hour. Why? They are understaffed.

16.   IPhone charger always breaks on the end. Why? The wire has nothing to protect it from bending and breaking.

17.   Shampoo/Conditioner bottles don’t allow you to get all of the shampoo out. Why? The shape of the bottle.

18.   The Library doesn’t allow food inside. Why? There isn’t enough seating provided for people who want to eat and study.

19.   Special K cereal gets stale fast. Why? There is not a sufficient way to reseal the bag.

20.   Pandora is not consistent with the songs played on certain stations. Why? They want you to hear more variety but they don’t ask.


This activity was difficult because it is hard to think of problems that you encounter every day. Such as the line at Starbucks. Even though I experience every day, I get use to it and plan my schedule around the time I know I will be waiting in line instead of trying to fix the problem.


  1. Hi Courtney,

    I share many commonalities with everyday things that bother me as you do such as overcrowded parking at UF, long lines at the DMV no matter where you are, rush hour traffic at Chipotle, and the libraries not allowing outside food. Bugs are a common occurrence in our daily life and it is important to not only acknowledge our bugs, but also try to find solutions to overcome them.

    1. Here's my link if you'd like to check it out

  2. Hi Courtney,

    I can totally relate to the "bugs" about the line being too long at Starbucks, the parking situation at UF, and the spikes on plastic water bottles. I think you did a great job at coming up with some unique bugs I wouldn't have thought of but definitely agree with. It's hard to think of bugs on the spot!
    Here's my post if you want to check it out
