Sunday, January 24, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

                                                                            Top Five Biggest Problems:


   1.       War

   2.       Poverty

   3.       Climate change

   4.       Water Use

   5.       Increase Population

I ranked the biggest problems like this because I believe that they all have an impact on the other problems. I believe that war is the largest problem because it causes poverty by creating war zones which then leads to pollution and increase of CO2 in the environment that then leads to climate change which effects the amount of water that is usable. While the increase of population shows a lack of education in the world and more people to create wars.  


1.       Water Use Solution: Creating a device that is affordable, that cleans and allows access to water for the areas that cannot reach it easily.

2.       Climate Change Solution: Producing less CO2 in the air by cutting down the use of such things and creating new ways to create energy.

3.       Poverty Solution: Educating the population about this problem and ways to fix it by creating more sustainable ways of living.

4.       War Solution: Get a better understanding of the difference in the world so that conflict doesn’t arise.

5.       Increase population solution: Educate the current world population about this problem.


This is the ranking of the most implementable solutions because I believe that water and climate change are brought up more in society because they seem like easier solutions. Everyday people are beginning to cut down on water and carbon use. This is mostly because they are more tangible subjects. The other solutions however, deal with people and emotions that are caused by a thousand different factors.  


  1. Hello Courtney, you made some great points when it came to poverty and hunger. Those were also my top two (but in reverse order.) Your climate change and water use kind of relates to my energy availability section. Your solutions were also very implementable, especially your climate change solution. Overall great job! We differed in the last two where I put terrorism and corruption. You can check it out here at

  2. I totally agree with you on all of the problem you've listed. Number 4 in the problems relates to number 3 since if we love the earth and grow more plants, not destroying them for personal benefits there would be more clean water for people. People like Wangari Maathai are awesome since they not only combat deforestation, helping Earth and human lifespan but also educate others about such issues. Check out my top 5 world problems at:
