Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Exit Strategy

My Exit Strategy

The exit strategy that I plan to make is to sell my business or idea in the next 5 years. I chose this plan because I don’t think my business has the potential to grow with technology constantly changing. However, I do believe that if sell this app or concept to a larger company such as eBay or Amazon they would be able to make it grow and create a larger profit. I think by having this strategy, it has caused me to not focus too much on how I would make the business grow but rather focus on the details of how I would make it more attractive for future buyers.  


  1. Hey Courtney, I really liked reading this mainly due to the fact that I chose the same exit strategy for my business. In starting my business however, I chose to focus a little more on the growth factor because that would greatly affect the worth of my company. With that being said, as a college student, I do not want to be tied to the same industry my whole life and will be looking for constant opportunities to innovate and find success in different fields. I feel that our concepts have a lot in common which is very encouraging to see and I wish you great success moving forward. Check out my blog here at:

  2. Technology has the ability to build and sustain such amazing things, but with the instability of time and demand, the overall sustainability of things such as applications for mobile devices are very flimsy. Selling would be in the best interest if you can't see the field you are in expanding to allow for a follow up with the same application or for preservation of the product to last well through the years.
