Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Unfair Advantage

My Unfair Advantage

1.       Knowledge of how college campuses work

·         VRIN: I am able to understand where people live and what they need exactly.

2.       Knowledge of how certain dorm/apartments are

·         VRIN: I can organize the app so that people living in certain areas can find things easier

3.       Knowledge of the need to have easy access to décor

·         VRIN: Everyone always need last decorations or furniture I know this because I am a college student

4.       Connections with students

·         VIRN: I am currently a college student so with different connections I can get the app to be known better

5.       Connections with other business owners

·         VRIN: with different connections to different types of businesses I can improve on my business

6.       Connections with people who can help create the app

·         VRIN: I can make sure that the app works correctly

7.       General Business background

·         VRIN: I understand how a business runs finically and socially

8.       Knowledge of how to keep the business going

·         VRIN: Entrepreneurship class allows me to look at different concepts that can be improved

9.       Future trading of décor

·         Eventually the app will create a community of students trading décor within campus

10.   Knowledge of the surrounding area of the campus

·         I understand where the students live and where other people live


Resource number two is the best because be having the knowledge of how the campus apartments and dorms work unlike outside vendors I can organize the app so that students can find exactly what they need and not have to worry if that certain décor works in their room or not.


  1. Hi, I think you structured your work well as it was easy to go through and analyze. However it was somewhat limiting on the amount of depth that you provided. I think that my best constructive criticism would be to include more "meat" in your post. Feel free to check out my blog: http://phatblogz.blogspot.com

    Best of luck with your idea and venture!


  2. Hey Courtney,
    I was reviewing your Unfair Advantage post and I like the points you have brought out. I would say knowing the dorms and lifestyle is more valuable than an outside vendor; however, your social networking can be of great value to get your brand out faster and stronger. I personally would like to have seen some objective feedback playing your strong suits against your opportunities to see where you might want to strengthen your approach or skills in order to better assess what links may be missing. I would like to see how your idea develops further. If you'd like to check out my blog it is, http://entreprenue-whaaat.blogspot.com/ .

  3. Hey Courtney,
    I think your insider knowledge on how dorms and apartments are laid out is definitely an advantage. I agree with Nicolas that social networking could be a great marketing tool to get your services out to the general Public. I definitely am lacking in the decor department at my home and could use a service like yours. Check out my blog http://alexandvon.blogspot.com/
