Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 3

Elevator Pitch No. 3

Company Name:

Décor Swap


College students moving from dorm to apartment to house. Problem? Each space needs different accessories. The dorm needs twin size bedding and everything mini. Apartment and house need furniture and more décor. But what do you do with your old stuff? Throw it away? Sell it and pay ridiculous shipping costs? How do you buy new stuff? How do you find new stuff and transfers it hours away?

Reflection on Feedback:

Most of my reflections were based on my actually product rather than the pitch itself. So to improve, I need to make my pitch more detailed. I need to explain my product more in depth.  The other comments included improving my expressions.


·         Describe my product more

·         Explain how it is different from other products

·         Use more expression


  1. Hey Courtney,

    The only comments I would make is you could make your pitch a little longer. It felt a little short so perhaps you could go into more detail about your product! With a little tweaking it will be perfect!
    You can check out mine here: http://sirahmora.blogspot.com/2016/03/elevator-pitch-no-3.html

  2. Hey Courtney! I think you have a great idea. I know I would have wanted to decorate more but it's pretty costly. The only thing I would say is try to make your pitch a bit longer by explaining how it works and to use some gestures to seem a little more into the pitch. Good job overall though!Here's the link to mine http://ufent3003.blogspot.com/2016/03/elevator-pitch-3-week-10.html

  3. Hey Courtney,
    I think you did a good job for the most part on your pitch. I would definitely say though to make your pitch a little longer. I am all for making it short and sweet but make sure your audience completely understands your product. Also, if you spoke a little louder I think it would engage your audience a little more. Check out my blog here http://ufshanebrown.blogspot.com/2016/03/elevator-pitch-no-3.html
