Sunday, April 3, 2016

What's next?

Existing Market. 

Step 1:

The next thing for my product is providing movers or people you can pick up deliver on the same day.

Step 2:

3 Interviews

Step 3:

Based on what the customers said, the idea of the movers are a good idea. They said they liked that idea because they don’t have to worry about how they would get the décor from one place to another. They said that this is still troublesome even though it would all be on campus.

They also said that I should venture out to not only campuses but within apartment complexes and neighborhoods. With this, the new market would include an older crowd. This new market would not include students but rather recent grads.

New Market

Step 1:

A totally different market would be people not living within a community that is known for everyone either being the same age or going through the same stage in their lives.

Step 2:

A way to create value may be to connect these people who don’t live in an area with people who are like them with people who are like them. Say a recent grad lives in the middle of nowhere in Orlando the app could connect them with a more age appropriate neighborhood that would have people who have similar tastes as they do in décor. 

Step 3:


Step 4:  

What I learned about the new product is that it might actually work. The feedback I got was mostly positive. The negative comments only came from a male but, that doesn’t surprise me because it is not usually men that focus on how they are going to decorate their space.

            My expectations were correct. The feedback I got from the younger people was that the idea was good because it allowed them to connect with people who had their same interest. While the older people liked the idea of people able to connect with people who were close to them even if they lived in the middle of nowhere


  1. Hey Courtney! I really enjoyed your post and think that you did a great job with your organization. I think that you already knew what to expect while doing the interviews and that is similar to my assignment too. We both have good ideas of what to expect about things and I think that is important for ventures like this. If you have some time be sure to check out my blog!

  2. Courtney
    i liked your idea and got many useful information too. as you mentioned above that different community will be new market for you, but i think that if you mention what kind of community will it be small or big. in my opinion, if next community you want to enter will be same with current one, it couldn't be new makret.
    here is link to my page
