Monday, April 18, 2016

Final Reflection

Looking back at all the assignments I have done, I can honestly see a little bit of improvement. At first I was unsure of talking to strangers but as the class went on, I realized that it was okay and necessary in The best experience was talking to real entrepreneurs and professionals and asking them questions that helped me not only complete the assignment but gave my ideas on ways to really improve my venture. At the end of this class, I still don’t see myself as a true entrepreneur because I didn’t fully appreciate everything that this class had to offer. However, I think this class gave me a great foundation to eventually achieve the entrepreneurial mindset. To perform best in this class, I would first make sure that you come up with a venture that you are truly compassionate about. If you don’t, then you lose interest on doing everything in this class that revolves around this one idea.


  1. Hey Courtney, it was great to read your final reflection. It was also good to see how you’ve improve over the semester. I said the same thing as well in my post that doing the practical assignments like talking to costumers and talk to professionals and truly help me develop an entrepreneurial mindset. I hope you really enjoy this class and I wish you the best. Check out my post too:

  2. coutney, i agree with you that to say we are established entrepreneurs is a hasty generalization but a foundation has definitely been established through the process of this course.
