Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Very Short Interview No. 2

Very Short Interview No. 2

What I learned in the first interview was that generally you always need to be pushing yourself if you want to be a good entrepreneur and to take this class seriously.  From where I stand now, I realize those questions only scratch the surface of being an entrepreneur.

Interview: (I had to ask the questions via email because Paige was out of town)

1.       How many times did you fail before you reached your goal?


It took me a couple of years to eventually get my company out there. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I failed any times but rather ran into some speed bumps.


2.       How did you understand the financial part of being an entrepreneur?


This part took a while, I knew the basic concepts of what I needed to know but to ensure that I never went into debt or had any financial problems I was lucky enough to have an accountant as a sister who helped me learn everything.


3.       What was the hardest thing that you had to overcome?


I think the hardest part was trusting that I could reach my goal and create a company that I wanted.


I felt way more comfortable contacting Paige this time and asking my own personal questions. This class has taught me that you have to get past getting uncomfortable because if you want your product to grow you have to ask people what they think. I think after the first interview of me telling her that the questions came from an assignment to this interview telling her I just had questions for myself that her responses where more laid back which shows that I grew a little because she thought she was helping me personally rather than for a grade.


  1. Hey Courtney,
    Great job on this assignment! My questions that I asked an entrepreneur are a lot like yours. The first time we were limited as to what questions we could ask so it was cool to just ask things that we are curious about or things that will help us on our path to becoming entrepreneurs. I agree that it was also easier to interview the entrepreneur this time because we had done it before and because it was much more laid back. Best of luck if you decide to pursue your business idea! Feel free to check out my blog post here: http://wsentrepreneurship.blogspot.com/2016/04/very-short-interview-part-2.html

  2. Courtney, great post! You did a good introduction and a great interview as well. I also think you question were short but very direct.I wish you the best on this venture. Hope to hear about your product very soon.
