Monday, April 18, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 4

Elevator Pitch No. 4

Company Name:

Décor Swap


College students moving from dorm to apartment to house. Problem? Each space needs different accessories. The dorm needs twin size bedding and everything mini. Apartment and house need furniture and more décor. But what do you do with your old stuff? Throw it away? Sell it and pay ridiculous shipping costs? How do you buy new stuff? How do you find new stuff and transfers it hours away?

Reflection on Feedback:

For the final pitch, I improved it by using the feedback on my 3rd pitch. This feedback was to increase the length of the pitch by adding more information about the app.


·         Explain my product more

·         Explain how it is different from other products

·         Lengthen the pitch by adding more info


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