Sunday, February 14, 2016

Interviewing customers No. 3

Interviewing Customers No. 3

The opportunity that I came up with is: an app that allows people to sell or rent their home/apartment/dorm décor. Understand that there are other websites and apps like this such as eBay and craigslist.  However, to make me opportunity better, the idea that I have is to make the app only work for current college students living within a certain radius of the campus. BY doing this you can ensure that you are getting stuff that is close to you and that works for the apartments or dorms that you may live in.

I still believe that the people who should have this unmet need are students that attend college that move from dorms to apartments or vice versa. I believe I need to make a wider selection of people including boys and girls living on and off campus. I think now I should ask questions about how other services have caused problems.

Questions for “customers”:

1.       Have you ever used eBay or amazon?

2.       What problems did you have?

3.       What was the longest you waited to get your package?

4.       How much do you normally pay for shipping?

I found that by changing my question I was able to get better feedback. By figuring out what problems people had with other sites, I am able to eliminate those problems with my site.



  1. Hey Courtney! I think this app is awesome. I definitely believe I will use this, since I have so many things that I will not need next year! Not only is your idea great, but your interviews were very well done and very informative. If you want to see my interviews, they can be found here:

  2. This is a great business idea, Courtney! This app can really facilitate the sales of home decor. eBay and Amazon can take a long time to deliver packages. This app sounds very convenient, and you could get your desired product within a day. I hope to see this app on the App Store one day!
    Check out my post:
