Monday, February 8, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 1

Idea Napkin No. 1

1.       I am currently a college student pursuing a degree in general business. My experiences in business including working in merchandise at Walt Disney World and creating a nonprofit organization. If I were to start this business, I believe that it would help me enhance my skills for running a business that is not a non-profit.

2.       My product is an app that allows college students sell, buy, or rent apartment/dorm décor from students who live within a certain radius of the campus.

3.       I am offering this to any college student who is not a commuter but rather lives either on or close to campus.

4.       This app cuts out the uncertainty if whether or not the décor will work in your space, the difficulty of transporting large décor from large distances and time that shipping takes.

5.       What sets this app apart from things such as eBay or craigslist is that it only works for students attending the university.

I believe that all elements fit together except for maybe the first. I am not sure that I am capable of creating such a service or ensuring that the app becomes successful. I also am not very good at describing or going in-depth of certain ideas. I am more of a big picture person. This causing me to overlook small details that may affect the success of the service.


  1. Courtney, this is a very interesting idea and I think you could create a successful business out of it. One question I had after reading your idea napkin was whether or not you would be providing delivery/pick-pick for the furniture? When someone locates a piece of furniture through your app how would you ensure they get it? Also, how do you plan on making revenue from the app? Would users have to pay to download it? Or would you take a percentage of each sale/rental? I think you have a great idea and can't wait to see how it develops!

  2. I like this idea because students are definitely looking for cheap decoration options. There is definitely a market for your product, which will make marketing it that much easier. One of my questions is, how will you make money with this app? Adding advertisements once your number of users increases would be a good idea. Check out my blog here:

  3. I think this is a great idea. I've had some trouble finding reliable pieces of furniture in the past and I think this app could help students who need to find a few things to make their rooms or apartments look nice. I like the fact that it's only for students because sometimes craigslist and free and for sale can be really sketchy. I think you're definitely on to something if you can figure out a way to profit from this. Check out my idea napkin at:

  4. Hi Courtney, How are you doing? I enjoyed reading about your Idea Napkin. I thought it was a great idea, as a college student who lives pretty cheaply and needs furniture but still wants to make my living space look nice, your idea appeals to me. It looks like you have found a good demographic with college students similar to what I did in my Idea. Please check it out
