Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Half-way Reflection

Half-way Reflection

1.       Tenaciousness is a skill:


For this class, there are a lot of assignments. To make sure no assignments are missed you have to set aside a little bit of time everyday dedicating to completing at least one assignment.


2.       Tenaciousness is also about attitude:

There have been a lot of times in the past two months that I have felt like not doing an assignment because it was uncomfortable to do. I pushed through by realizing that the task was not that hard and that by doing it, I would be a better entrepreneur from it.

3.       Three Tips:


·         Think of the assignments not as tedious but rather as training you for the future.

·         Think of the overall goal of completing this class as being a better entrepreneur.

·         Make sure you take every assignment seriously.


  1. Courtney,

    I have to agree that the assignments that we had to film for was very awkward and made me feel uncomfortable at first then I started to used to it. This class definitely is training us to become better students and entrepreneurs later in life or for some of us right now. Your three tips are right on the money, if you don’t take this class seriously you will fail. Overall you did a great job on your assignment keep up the good work.

    Feel free to comment on my post:

  2. Hey Courtney,

    I totally agree that the assignments can be a little uncomfortable sometimes. That being said, I am very glad to be doing something very new. I have never been able to take a class that really takes me out of my comfort zone. We had a lot of awkward and hard assignments, but I think in the end, it feels great to get them all over with. I think in that sense, this class give me a very nice sense of pride and am very grateful to be doing things like this.

    Please check out my blog post here at your best convenience!

