Sunday, February 21, 2016

Free Money

Free Money

For this assignment I have decided to go to the library because I am guaranteed to find people who are willing to take the money from me without hesitation. I plan on approaching students who look like they are in a rush to get in the library. I will get the conversation started by asking them how they are (small talk). I think out the five attempts only three people will take the money.


I was wrong. No one wanted to take the money. They thought I was kidding and I couldn’t keep myself form laughing. I think giving away the money was harder than I expected.


  1. Hi Courtney! I had a similar experience. I expected college students to easily grab a dollar from me and disappear without a trace but I was not able to give out all of my dollars. I tried to keep my cool and not laugh but it was so hard because this type of assignment is really out of the norm and it pushed me to get out of my comfort zone. I think you really tried and that it shows how proposing a service or idea to someone may not be as easy as one thinks. If you are interested, here is the link to mine!

  2. Hi Courtney,
    I was unable to complete this assignment myself so I cannot directly relate to your experience. I am surprised that no one took you up on the dollar, especially considering that you were dealing with fellow college students. Keeping your bearing can be hard when dealing with "silly" things like this and I can only imagine how difficult it would have been for me. You gave it an honest attempt and at least you get to keep your money!

    Since I do not have a post of my own to share here is a link to my second elevator pitch if you would like to check it out:

  3. Hey there,
    I had a kick watching your videos. Seeing their faces, all confused, is priceless. I actually managed to two give two out of three dollars. It really can feel awkward, especially when people give you these "Are you serious" face. If we have to do this assignment again, I would recommend trying not to laugh as it gives people the wrong idea. Just act natural. Be relaxed. Check my blog out at:
