Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 2

Company Name:

Décor Swap


College students moving from dorm to apartment to house. Problem? Each space needs different accessories. The dorm needs twin size bedding and everything mini. Apartment and house need furniture and more décor. But what do you do with your old stuff? Throw it away? Sell it and pay ridiculous shipping costs? How do you buy new stuff? How do you find new stuff and transfers it hours away?

Reflection on Feedback:

All of my reflections were based on my actually product rather than the pitch itself. So to improve, I need to make my pitch more detailed. I need to explain my product more in depth.


·         Describe my product more

·         Explain how it is different from other products


·         Hook: Do you want to have the most glamourous dorm for half the cost and work?

·         Problem: Moving into a dorm or apartment can be a struggle: i.e. Shipping, waiting, decorating with the right décor that’s fits not only your personality but the size and style of your dorm or apartment?

·         Solution: Décor swap allows you to buy/rent/ sell room décor within the university.


  1. Great job, Courtney! Thank you for staying so on top of your work. I know there are a lot of assignments, but you're doing really well! Email Joseph or me if you need any assistance or have any questions.

  2. Hi Courtney, I like your idea of, sort of like, a swip swap for college campuses. They are very popular on social media and an easy way to make a couple dollars selling things that you won’t use. College students can always use a few extra bucks so I am sure it will be useful. Anyway, if you care to check out my video it is below.

  3. Hi Courtney, great job on your blog post! I enjoyed listening to your post and learning about your idea. I think your idea is so fun and unique! I have an obsession with HGTV and all things related to home decor/improvement, so this idea really appeals to me. I have a feeling most of your customers will be girls, haha. This is definitely something that applies to our campus and the surrounding community, but it could easily be expanded to other locations and still be relevant. Good luck with your project, I hope it works out!

    If you want to check out my second attempt at an elevator pitch, you can find my blog post by following this link:

  4. Hey Courtney I enjoy watching your blog. However I do have some questions for you. Do you think people would be comfortable buying a whole dorm set from someone else? To me that is a little creepy. However if that were to work I'm sure it would be an instant hit. The idea is good and that is easy to market. Best of luck on your venture.
    Attached is my link.

  5. Courtney,
    This seems like a good idea but I know that there are a lot of similar applications currently out on the market. I wonder how this app would be differentiated amongst the many others. I like that you address the issue of needing new furniture and decor when moving from a dorm room to an apartment which is something that most students here on campus go through. Cost is a big deterrent for people to buy new furniture for new apartments so if your app allowed students to browse through lightly used furniture to buy at a discounted price from other students I can see how this could be a huge success!
