Friday, February 5, 2016

Interviewing Customers No. 2

Interviewing Customers No. 2

The opportunity that I came up with is: an app that allows people to sell or rent their home/apartment/dorm décor. Understand that there are other websites and apps like this such as eBay and craigslist.  However, to make me opportunity better, the idea that I have is to make the app only work for current college students living within a certain radius of the campus. BY doing this you can ensure that you are getting stuff that is close to you and that works for the apartments or dorms that you may live in.

The people who I believe will have this unmet need are students that attend college that move from dorms to apartments or vice versa. I believe I need to make a wider selection of people including boys and girls living on and off campus.

Questions for “customers”:

1.       Do you live in a dorm or an apartment?

2.       Where do you plan to live next year?

3.       What problems did you have with selling or buying room décor?

4.       How do you think you can fix it?

5.       What do you think about an app that lets you rent, buy and sell décor within the University of Florida?
1. Be prepared to feel awkward.
2. Have your questions ready.
3. Find people who look like they have time.


I ended up with the same outcome as before, no one really wants to elaborate on their answers. I guess you have to find people who show interest. Maybe interviewing people while they are moving would be the best option.


  1. That was smart to interview in the cafeteria. You reach your target demographic in a spot where there’s plenty of interviewees. One thing I’d say is try different samples to get a variety of answers. The videos you shared had a good mix of women, but no dudes. Dudes need a place to stay too! Most of the time anyway. Good job.

    Check out my first interviews here at this link.

  2. HI Courtney

    You did a great job finding people you did not know to interview, and it is quite awkward to approach people on the fly. I would note that the elevator speeches we are doing is a great way to introduce yourself to these 'customers' as you approach them. I think it is more effective if you set the agenda of why you are even wanting to ask questions, and then wrap it up instead of just cutting off the video.

    I do think it is a great idea for students, by the way! Go for it.

  3. I liked that you'd ask their name and where they lived to make them feel more comfortable. However, I wish you spoke more clearly because I was not really able to hear your questions. I like that you were considerate enough to ask people who look like they have time. And it's key to prepare to feel uncomfortable or awkward because you never really know how the interview might turn out. Overall, great job!

    Check out my Interview No. 2


  4. Courtney,

    There is a lot of apps that are starting to appear on the market that deals with selling goods with sub sections on home decor. I think the reason why you are having trouble with people elaborating on their answers is because you are asking yes/no questions. You should ask more open ended questions so that they can explain themselves. Also try and avoid filming vertically this will increase your production value. Best of luck on your business venture.

    Feel free to leave feedback on my post

  5. Courtney,
    Great work completing the assignment. The first thing I noticed watching the video is what Quintino commented above - you could get more feedback if you asked non yes/no questions and let them explain themselves more. I think your interview style was really good though as the people seemed comfortable - asking them for a brief introduction probably helped in this regard. I agree with Warren that you could have interviewed one or two guys as well, though. Overall well done!
